Monday, April 7, 2014

Write Your Story : Meet the Obenauf Familly!

We would first like to make an apology to this wonderful family!  We never intended on beginning their fundraiser so late.  We are extremely sorry and promise that we will do as much as possible to make it up to you!  We love you! :)

That being said, I'm (Kaitlyn) dying to introduce you to our April family!  

Meet the Obenauf family!
Here's their information from Reece's Rainbow:

Stephani has always wanted to be a mother. Since she was a little girl, she knew she would have a big family and at least some of her children would arrive through adoption. She thought her family was going to be starting in 2009, when she found out she was pregnant. Sadly, God had other plans and her daughter Emma was stillborn.
Stephani found Reece’s Rainbow in 2011, through a friend that was adopting, She would spend hours looking at the children, reading their stories, hoping that soon, the time would be right to adopt. When a friend posted about “Zola”, Stephani knew instantly that hits little girl was meant to be her daughter.
Stephani was raised by a single parent and understands the struggles that lie ahead but knows that with God’s blessing and the love and support of her family, she is ready to provide “Zola” with a bright and happy future.
A sincere thank you to everyone for your prayers and financial support.

I am beyond excited to help bless this beautiful little family and help precious Stephani bring her gorgeous daughter home forever

All three of us girls absolutely adore pretty princess, Zola!  We will do anything and everything possible to help her mama bring her home!  We're so grateful that we were chosen to bless them!  

I made the title of their month "Write Your Story".   When I read the Obenauf's information I was listening to a song that had came on, on Spotify.   That song was by Francesca Battistelli, called "Write Your Story".  
The lyrics fit the Obenauf's story so well.  God is in control of our lives, and He took the pen and wrote 
Zola's story to become Stephani's beautiful daughter. 
Stephani, in my eyes, has chosen to let God write the story of her life. And He is writing a marvelous story i

We will be trying something a little bit different for Write Your Story fundraiser!  
Melly has wrote out the plan and you can see it if you CLICK HERE
We hope that within the next few days we will be opening up our sponsorship program and that
will benefit the Obenauf family.

Please share this post with all your friends and family!!  
Please join with us as we not only raise funds for this family, but become their prayer warriors.
The family is incredibly grateful for this and would greatly appreciate every
single donation!  

Let's bless the Obenauf family!!!

CLICK HERE to donate/view the Obenauf family's information on RR. :)

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