Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Archie & Juliette

Our little Archie & Juliette are well over due for a special blog post dedicated specially for them!  :)  As a matter of fact, our dear blog followers probably haven't "met" little miss Juliette yet!  No worries! I'll introduce both of the little ones to you!

If you're new to following us you probably didn't know that the four of us girls are a Prayer Warrior for these two cuties!  

Our little man, Archie!!  Boy! Isn't he a total cutie!?  When I say "I can't believe he hasn't been snatched up!" I really really do mean it!  Look at this gorgeous boy!  It breaks my heart to know that he has never known what real love is.  He has no clue of what it feels like to be hugged & kissed.  NO IDEA!    4Girls4Christ wants to change that!  Because we know that with our forever faithful God we can rescue Archie!  We're going to "share" his picture & sell as much jewelry from our SHOP & donate it to he & Juliette's adoption funds!
Here is what Archie's ReecesRainbow.org profile says about him:
Date of Birth: July 2008
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: blonde
Nature: Quiet, medically healthy (besides DS)


From missionaries who know him:    "The boy has very tender, affectionate, cheerful and forgiving personality.  He does not hesitate approaching to people and looks with interest at what they are doing and truly tries to emulate. He is doing it in such a cute way that these attempts turn out to be very funny to watch! Ilya does not speak yet but he is showing some progress in speaking.
The whole world is like a puzzle to him. When he hears a sound whether by tram or car – it is the whole event in his life. He stops and looks to the side, where sound occurs. When he is given toys he can play alone and will quietly deal with himself, allowing the rest to others.
The child needs tactile sensations very much. He loves to cuddle and be cuddled. He is not doing it in a demanding, but gently and neat way. He is independent and if falls he not waiting for help from an adult. He's just not accustomed to it and is not expecting that it someone might be interested in him.  He found his simple way for tactile sensations: he is touching his palm with something soft.
Ilya responds quickly to someone’s smile with a soft laughter.   He is not potty trained yet but in a family will pick it up quickly. He is very friendly with the kids but at the same time he can stand up for himself; if someone takes away a toy from him, Ilya will follow the offender, trying to get it back. Ilya loves to eat. If we go for a walk, everyone pays attention to his cheeks, cute little hamster! Ilya does not like to run or play sporty games, he prefers quiet games with toys."


If you ask me I'd say his description would equal Down Right PERFECT! <3  Wouldn't you just LOVE to see Archie with his forever family???  I know I do!!  Please help us find them, by "sharing" this post, or his RR (Reece's Rainbow) profile onto your Facebook, Twitter, Email, or blog!  ANYTHING will help & DOES make a difference!   
And I can't stress to you enough to PLEASE share our SHOP page too!  We're so desperate to do more for Archie, we've raised $40 for him so far, through selling our items.   


Look at her!!!  Goodness don't you want to pick her up into your arms & shower her chubby little cheeks with billions of kisses?!  Well, I know the four of us girls certainly do!  Juliette is not only new to RR but is also new to "our" blog family!  Juliette is our new little sister, just like we consider Archie as our little brother.  These two children both have Down syndrome, or as we like to call it, "Down Right Perfect".    They are not related in any way what so ever.  Though we have been asked a couple of times if they were twins.  Lol.  They're both cute & have chubby faces!  So that most be where people get the idea of them being siblings.  On our blog we will consider them to be "siblings" due to the fact they are our brothers & sisters in Christ.  God doesn't make mistakes, He made Juliette & Archie, PERFECTLY! <3 
I want to give you a little more information on Juliette from her RR page:
  • Married couples only (married at least 2 1/2 years)
  • Parents must be 18 years older than child
  • Parents over age 50 will be considered on an individual basis
  • Two unrelated children can be adopted together
  • Two trips are required
  • Both parents must travel for the first trip (approx 5-7 days)
  • Only one parent for the second trip (10-12 business days)"

And another Down Right Perfect child!  :) 
Girl, born August 2007
Down syndrome, congenital heart disease - atrial septal defect, hemodynamically significant.  Heart surgery is needed in her future.

What a lovely little girl!
Some medical information available.  This picture is from March 2012."

Another Down Right Perfect child!!   She currently has $10 towards her adoption fund.   The 4Girls4Christ team plan & pray to change that as well!  And find her a forever family that will treat her like a little princess should be treated!  

Will you help us save Archie & Juliette?  Will you click the "SHARE" button, & spread their awareness?  

Will you donate to their adoption funds by purchasing an item from the SHOP?  

Will you pray for Archie & Juliette?

Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to read this, whether you know it or not, you did make a difference! :)  


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